Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Unsuccessful day

This App annoyed me. It crashed without any signs. And I just simply lost everything that I typed during the last 15 miniutes. Ok, I will do it again. Today I was not successful. I waste the entire afternoon doing meaningless things. I played games (which I deleted them later) and slept until 6:30 pm. I finished up my dinner at 7:30 pm and started to watch Steve Jobs's speeches on YouTube until now. I really regret for what I've done today. Because I could have this time to finish all my CSE homework and started to do some preparation for tomorrow's lab, and start reading Accounting 211 textbook and get ahead of everyone. But I just lost this chance. Wasting time is easy, just like getting sick is easy. There are so many ways to waste time, like playing video games (there is a whole industry for those time-wasting products), watching videos without purposes, Facebook, Instagram. I am not a restless people certainly, and I need rest. But the thing is that once I get myself into this statues (leisure time statues), I can hardly get out of it by myself. There is a strong inertia in it. This is one of the most hated weakness of mine. I have fought against it for many years, but still can't find a solution to it. Since I determine my mind to write diary on daily basis, I can utilize this tool to monitor myself. If a day is not successful, I will write it down and recall the unsuccessful decisions that I make in this day. The incentive of it is that I will public this blog one day and I surely don't want others to see so many unsuccessful days and regrets that I have. Though today is not successful, but I still have some thought want to share. One is why people don't like to answer teachers' questions. I am able to find three explanations for this. The first is the question is too easy, anyone who answer the question will be labeled as stupid by others. The second is the question is too complex and demanding, people are not sure about their answer and afraid of being laughed at if they answer the questions incorrectly. The third is the mixture of the previous two. The question is not too hard, and people are not sure about their answer, they are afraid that others would think the question is "too easy to answer" or if they answer the questions wrongly they will be laughed at. That is how common people think. Here is how the outstanding students think: If the question is very easy, they will answer the question because when the teachers asked this question, they just simply want some interactions between class. If the question is hard, they will answer it because they are confident enough. If the question is medium, they will still answer it because they don't have the two confusions that common students would have. I am not saying that answering questions in class is a necessary feature of the outstanding students. But I think those who have the confidence to answer every questions in class must be a good students. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

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