Monday, January 16, 2012

Being a vegan

Next week, we decide to be vegans for a week. We would not to be too strict for the first time, so we still can eat eggs. No butters, no chicken, no beef and no pork. Inspired by a sentence in Walter Isaacson's book Steve Jobs, says "asceticism and minimalism could heighten subsequent sensations". I totally agree with his opinion. Because asceticism and minimalism are prohibited from distractions. Common people are common because they are distracted by the environment, thus they don't have a sharp sensation. I have done several things in order to get rid of those distractions, such as giving up my Renren account, deleting softwares on my ipad and iphone, clearing up my desktop, simplifying the way I live. I will be tracking my condition when I become a vegan and record what I feel during the process. I am looking forward a magical change with in me. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

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