Sunday, January 8, 2012

A new start

Here is a new start. I make my mind to write diary everyday for both practicing porpose and reflection focus. I won't get remarkbable improvement for my English writing unless I do this everyday and insist it for a period. I don't know how long I can continue on this but let's see. A man with strong will can always succeed doing something. For the reflection focus, it does the everyday reminder job----what I did today, what I need to improve for the next day, what I think, what I have learned. This place is a quiet place and only a few people know its address, I won't be bothered by writing anythings looks naive or ambitious from other people's respect, I just write what I really think. The principle is being honest and trying to write fluently and beautifully. And maybe some day I will public my blog address, and by that day I will have had a really good sense of English writing. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

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