Monday, January 9, 2012

embracing humble

The CSE 200 class makes me feel bored today. I tried to stay intrested in it, but it is futile, even though I'm a computer lover. This is my foible and I am familiar with it. I can't focus on what I think is easy. Sometimes I tend to overlook at something. Being too proud of myself always makes me in trouble. But this is one of the components of my character, I am a confident people. So the key here is how to find the balance between confidence and pride. There are great people who are confident and still stay humble. Staying humble can never be an easy thing. This includes showing respects to the people you think is inferior; trying to look at the virtues of others' rather than concentrate on their flaws. Patience always accompany with humble. Patient people are more likely to achieve success that those who are impatient, because they are able to observe things that are subtle, tiny, and sometimes these things can make a difference. So how can I stay humble. I need to learn what I think is easy; I should train myself to look at the virtues of others'. I should control the restless and anxious young man within me, making use of it from the prospect of the energy and bravery, and getting rid of the unmatured characters. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

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