Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Truly Freedom

What is truly freedom? Sakyamuni suffered from all kinds of pains in the world to achieve the truly freedom, from nirvana. Why did he do that? Because through this process, he freed himself from any attachment to the outer world. Being truly freedom, is being wisdom, and gaining real controls
over ourselves. I see this as the ultimate goal of my life.

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Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Everything here is going be to alright except for integrating into local society. I have a whole bunch of chinese friends, whom I like, but not a single american friend. There are a lot of difference between our cultures and american's, the formulas that are functional in our society can not be applied here. The simplest problem can be the definition of being cool varies from ours and americans'. So how to know these difference? Being a cool person here? I believe the easiest way to this is the chinese traditional way of learning English----watching american comedies. Learn the scripts and at meantime, know their social skills.

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Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Pleasure from restrain

Today is the end of our first vegetarian week. I feel good so long, and thus we decide to continue for anther week.

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Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Friday, January 27, 2012

I don't feel good

These days are "busy". Two exams plus another one on Monday, I struggle to get through them. While preparing for those exams, I left a hold in my mind, where my thought drain away. I have a rearrange my life, and make a practical plan for the coming week, which might be even more "busy". I use quotes on busy because this busyness is not a good busyness. I am happy to throw myself into busyness because that makes me feel enriched(I would do coca research for this adj), but this busyness fills me up with chaos. I have to make full use of the weekend in order to get me out of chaos the next week. I have a lot of things need to be done.

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Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Dreams

It's never too late to talk about one's dreams. I am 21 years old, and I still have the chance to realize my dreams. I hope someday I will be studying in an Ivy League University pursuing for a master degree. After finishing my master degree, I will work for a global financial institution. Several years later, I will quit my job and start a business by myself, wearing a T-shirt printed with Change the World! I always have a sense that I will be somebody in the future, or at least extraordinary among my college friends. I feel the possibility in myself. But at the meantime, I am 21 years old, time for those big names to prove themselves, when I am still in a public big ten university and struggling to find a way to outshine myself. I know I should be patient enough, I should read more books, other than textbooks, and gather knowledge that I should already have in early years. I wasn't that kind of people who figure out things early and know what to do in order to distinguish themselves, I was the type of people that know I am DIFFERENT but don't know how. I am 21 years old, and I think I finally figure it out, I know what books should I read, what knowledge should I acquire. And I need to hurry, because I am 21 years old, I should make something different!

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Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Catching minds

I hope there is a machine that can track down every thoughts that I have during the day time without any interruption to them. Then I can write them down at the end of the day. Because I know I have something worth writing down but I can't recall them. So tomorrow, I will take a minute to type those thought in my iPhone, so that I won't miss them again.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Why I choose business

When I was in high school, I knew that I can't be a scientist. I am not that type of people who can focus on books for a great long time. I am better at dealing with people than dealing with books. Business is something rely more on intuition than knowledge. We say someone has a good business sensation, that is he or she is good at observe what people want and manages to start a business on that. Business school is a place where not only study could make you outstanding, it also looks at how to network, how to mingle, or how to solve problems. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Today is a painful day. I suffer from stomachache. And it still continues bothering me. Today is also a busy day. I got up early in the morning and prepared for my CSE quiz. After I left home, there were three classed coming one after another. When I was able to release, it was already 7:30 pm. So when all of these things finished, I was worn out. I would better go to sleep early and have myself recharged. Hopefully, I won't wake up with my stomach problem. Good night. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

An email to Gordon Gee

Dear Mr. President, Thank you for your candy today in Ohio Union. I am a transfer Chinese student who has been in Ohio State University for four months. I have experienced both hospitality and generosity of Americans, but I still find it is hard to integrate. Sometimes I find that being more westernized would help to get involved into American students but this will cause the loss our own culture background. Do you think that Chinese students should be more westernized? Or from a larger scale, should international students be more westernized? There are over 1000 students from china, and I see most of them still don’t know how to get involved, or mingle. So what is your suggestions for us and what will you do to help us.Thank you for your time. Sincerely, One of the one thousand Chinese students Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Monday, January 16, 2012

Being a vegan

Next week, we decide to be vegans for a week. We would not to be too strict for the first time, so we still can eat eggs. No butters, no chicken, no beef and no pork. Inspired by a sentence in Walter Isaacson's book Steve Jobs, says "asceticism and minimalism could heighten subsequent sensations". I totally agree with his opinion. Because asceticism and minimalism are prohibited from distractions. Common people are common because they are distracted by the environment, thus they don't have a sharp sensation. I have done several things in order to get rid of those distractions, such as giving up my Renren account, deleting softwares on my ipad and iphone, clearing up my desktop, simplifying the way I live. I will be tracking my condition when I become a vegan and record what I feel during the process. I am looking forward a magical change with in me. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Great harvest comes from arid sources, pleasure from restrain

This truth is very zen-like. Things always turn to be opposite. The best formula in human life could be 1 = -1. That is to say in order to achieve something, one should follow the path towards the totally different direction. When this formula is applied to human life, it becomes "great harvest comes from arid sources, pleasure from restrain". Surely, this is only one of the considerable applications that can be utilized through this perfect formula. Acctually, this aphorism is perfect for myself. I wrote them down on the front page of every book that I need to read this quarter, just to remind me of the pain which is a must before the pleasure. I have all kinds of pains in my life. I need to read books that I don't like; I need to be patient enough to learn what I am taught; Being patient is a pain too. I need to be resist to delicious food that are not healthy; I need to protect me from lures, distortions, laziness. After I took all kinds of these pains, I am about to have the harvest from the arid lands. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Today we had a party at my home. Five girls and three guys. All of them are nice people. Next year my roommate and I will rent a three bedroom apartment, so we are looking for a new roommate. Hopefully, we can save some money and still live in harmony. That is my day today. Tomorrow we will have another two guys come to my apartment and have dinner together. So I have to finish the review and preview work of my accounting course prior to their coming. Work hard and get rid of distortion. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States


Yesterday when I got home, I feel so tired and went to sleep. Today I am making up for it. Yesterday's accounting class was difficult. And I like it. Because for the first week, every course is in the introduction phase, which I got tired of. In yesterday's accounting class, several asian students answer the questions given by the teacher during the lecture, which I like too. Participating in the class is what I always hope, and my confidence grows with each answer that I that give. Most Asian students are too shy to show off, even though they have the answers in their mind. So to break the ice with in your own world, answer the questions during the class.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snowing While I am Listening to Bob Dylan

It is snowing. Everything becomes pure under the white snow. The night is lit up by the reflection of snow. Snow makes tonight a little different. It's 80 degrees inside. I feel a little bit hot and dry, my can't calm down myself for some reasons. Everyday I open my computer, looking for something on the internet. At night, I close it and go to bed. Feel lost and didn't gain anything. However, the next day is the same, I have to live with it. I can't study without it. I still remember when the host family told me about the Amish, people who don't believe in electricity. I was shocked when I hear that they live richly without electricity, this means no computers, no cell phones. Bob Dylan. From his pure music, pure tunes, pure rythem, I am again shocked by this simplicity. There are so many lures in our life. I must get rid of it. Every gain will come with a lost. I should never get things easily. I must learn to gain something on my own. I, in fact love the feeling of gaining, the status under pursuing something. When I get what I want, I will be happy for a while but not long. Let me embrace simplicity. Live a life with little lures, distortions. Let me live my life. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Job is the first step in my plan

Today, I filed the application form for an on-campus job. And maybe someday in the future (not long) I will get my first job. The incentive that urges me to have an on-campus job is that I feel shamed to my parents because when I'm 21 years old now, I still need their financial support to get through my college, and I just don't even give it a try to live on my own--to be real independent. Taking a part time job and meanwhile maintaining a GPA at 3.9 level can never be an easy thing. It is challenging indeed. But I will never know whether I can manage it if I never try. When people are obliged to do something, they will probably become another person. My plan is that I will take a part-time job during the rest of my first year and maintain the GPA above 3.9 (let's aim high first). In the second year, I will take part in several students organizations, and build my network. For the third year, I will be able to find some internships associated with my field. This plan is based on the fact that I can master English in one year. I am now pretty sure about this. I have the gift. As long as I can talk, I mean turely talk with people, I will be able to bring out the talents within myself. This is a plan, and plan needs effort. Just like keeping my diary, I will keep my English to improve at a high rate. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Unsuccessful day

This App annoyed me. It crashed without any signs. And I just simply lost everything that I typed during the last 15 miniutes. Ok, I will do it again. Today I was not successful. I waste the entire afternoon doing meaningless things. I played games (which I deleted them later) and slept until 6:30 pm. I finished up my dinner at 7:30 pm and started to watch Steve Jobs's speeches on YouTube until now. I really regret for what I've done today. Because I could have this time to finish all my CSE homework and started to do some preparation for tomorrow's lab, and start reading Accounting 211 textbook and get ahead of everyone. But I just lost this chance. Wasting time is easy, just like getting sick is easy. There are so many ways to waste time, like playing video games (there is a whole industry for those time-wasting products), watching videos without purposes, Facebook, Instagram. I am not a restless people certainly, and I need rest. But the thing is that once I get myself into this statues (leisure time statues), I can hardly get out of it by myself. There is a strong inertia in it. This is one of the most hated weakness of mine. I have fought against it for many years, but still can't find a solution to it. Since I determine my mind to write diary on daily basis, I can utilize this tool to monitor myself. If a day is not successful, I will write it down and recall the unsuccessful decisions that I make in this day. The incentive of it is that I will public this blog one day and I surely don't want others to see so many unsuccessful days and regrets that I have. Though today is not successful, but I still have some thought want to share. One is why people don't like to answer teachers' questions. I am able to find three explanations for this. The first is the question is too easy, anyone who answer the question will be labeled as stupid by others. The second is the question is too complex and demanding, people are not sure about their answer and afraid of being laughed at if they answer the questions incorrectly. The third is the mixture of the previous two. The question is not too hard, and people are not sure about their answer, they are afraid that others would think the question is "too easy to answer" or if they answer the questions wrongly they will be laughed at. That is how common people think. Here is how the outstanding students think: If the question is very easy, they will answer the question because when the teachers asked this question, they just simply want some interactions between class. If the question is hard, they will answer it because they are confident enough. If the question is medium, they will still answer it because they don't have the two confusions that common students would have. I am not saying that answering questions in class is a necessary feature of the outstanding students. But I think those who have the confidence to answer every questions in class must be a good students. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Monday, January 9, 2012

embracing humble

The CSE 200 class makes me feel bored today. I tried to stay intrested in it, but it is futile, even though I'm a computer lover. This is my foible and I am familiar with it. I can't focus on what I think is easy. Sometimes I tend to overlook at something. Being too proud of myself always makes me in trouble. But this is one of the components of my character, I am a confident people. So the key here is how to find the balance between confidence and pride. There are great people who are confident and still stay humble. Staying humble can never be an easy thing. This includes showing respects to the people you think is inferior; trying to look at the virtues of others' rather than concentrate on their flaws. Patience always accompany with humble. Patient people are more likely to achieve success that those who are impatient, because they are able to observe things that are subtle, tiny, and sometimes these things can make a difference. So how can I stay humble. I need to learn what I think is easy; I should train myself to look at the virtues of others'. I should control the restless and anxious young man within me, making use of it from the prospect of the energy and bravery, and getting rid of the unmatured characters. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A new start

Here is a new start. I make my mind to write diary everyday for both practicing porpose and reflection focus. I won't get remarkbable improvement for my English writing unless I do this everyday and insist it for a period. I don't know how long I can continue on this but let's see. A man with strong will can always succeed doing something. For the reflection focus, it does the everyday reminder job----what I did today, what I need to improve for the next day, what I think, what I have learned. This place is a quiet place and only a few people know its address, I won't be bothered by writing anythings looks naive or ambitious from other people's respect, I just write what I really think. The principle is being honest and trying to write fluently and beautifully. And maybe some day I will public my blog address, and by that day I will have had a really good sense of English writing. Sent from my iPad

Location:Harley Dr,Columbus,United States