Friday, February 10, 2012

I Will Bend the Reality

Today is the worst day that I have here in a foreign country. I was almost beat up by the reality. But I stand up again.

Here is the letter that I wrote to the Dean. And it is the first step that I took to distort the reality.

Dear Dean,

First I want to say I really appreciate that you can spare some time to read an email from a student like me. You know in our country, China, university is like a government where bureaucracy flourished. One can never get in touch with those officiers because we don't even have their email address. You know, I sent an email to our president Gorden Gee to ask him the question about how can international student play a more influential role on this diverse campus. And he replied to me. President Gorden Gee answered my question. It was amazing. But this won't happen in China. Because like I said, there is bureaucracy.

 Certainly I am writing this email to you is not trying to throw a lot of praises on this college. Neither a lot of critiques. I am a junior transfer student and this is my second quarter here. I am interested in finance and really enjoy the business atmosphere here. There are recruiters from 500 fortunes coming to Fisher everyday, and everyday you see chances and all you need is to be prepared. We have an excellent stage, everyone can show their talents if they have. I am a confident person, I have plans in my mind and I always know what I need to do next. I thought I would be one of them, but I am not. I am not in major even though I am a junior now. My GPA is 3.9, I try to involve myself into student organization, I am applying for Fisher Future program, I took part in a Speech competition. Everything looks so good but none of them makes sense to me. I am not in major so I don't have Fisher Connect; I can't go to Career Fair even though I have nice shirt and pants; I can't apply for Fisher Future program even though I prepared everything else---except for getting into the major. Everything is prepared for getting into the major except for English 110. This single class. Standing in front of me like a mountain. You may say I should write a good diagnostic essay, and get moved up to English 110 next quarter. I would say this is something that I can’t guarantee. The diagnostic essay can’t be perfectly judged because they are written in class. People can easily get moved up if they just performed well in that single essay and people can also easily fail simply because they misunderstand the prompt. You may say this is exam and they are the fairest way to select candidates. But Fisher is not just looking for the people with only perfect ability to understand the prompt. It should have people with all talents. As long as it does good to fisher and create a more free but competitive environment and anything else to make it a better college. I see there is brain drain in Fisher College. I knew some genius international students who are in the same situation as me. They are ambitious and they are looking for a position in Wall Street. But many of them either transfer to mathematics department or to another university. They do so because they have to, and they are tough enough to find another way. I may be not tough enough to transfer to somewhere else because I like it here. But I want to make a plea to you that you can change the rule back to what it was. I think the old rule is more reasonable. It gives us international students more opportunities. It gives more time for  genius  to  deal  with their language problem without influencing their academic process and internship opportunities. It can let us breathe more freely. 
Please consider this.

Matt Yu,
A pre -Fisher College Junior

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