Sunday, February 5, 2012

Being a Business Students

After an intensive talk with my father, I was in deep thought. The talk is about how to be a business students. When I finally figured it out what it takes to be business student, I confess that I was wrong. It is like I have upgraded my mind that being a business students is not just a straight As transcript, but experiences. Everything is primarily based on a good-looking transcript, but the most convincing part are experiences. Many students choose business in college because they think studying business is easier than engineering, and it is promising. It is totally wrong. The truth is one has to take the price to finish a promising major, because business is not just study, it requires more. I thought study is our initial task in college time, but this only applies to engineering, it doesn't apply to business majors. Business major wants you to step out of the class, to talk to people, to make friends, to find opportunities. This is business, and this is what we really need to learn, however they don't exist in textbooks. We learn it by actions, by involvement. This is the truth of business major, and so many times, it is neglected by students. Business major can be easy, if one just cares about his or her GPA but nothing else, but it can be grueling, when one notices this problem and start to put it into practice. And I will treat it as my courses, I will get an A for it.

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