Thursday, February 2, 2012

Culture Gap

The culture gap between western and oriental world is deep. Not only the language is based on completely different system, but also the values of world varies from each other. I was so naive that I thought I can integrate into this society when I can master their language. Indeed, language is only part of the process of integration; I have to learn their customs, the way people mingle, the totally different topics (from ours) people have every day, and even the way they bullshit. Take bullshit as an example, we bullshit too in our culture, and it is necessary during social activities. But to which degree can a bullshit be appropriate? It varies too between two cultures. I can almost catch each words spit out from native speakers, but this doesn't make much sense, because I don't know how to get involved into the conversations. I have to find a way to break the ice.

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