Monday, February 27, 2012

Mucusless—Diet Healing System

MucuslessDiet Healing System

by Prof. Arnold Ehret


    混合沙拉,包括生碎紅蘿蔔(carrots)或冷甘藍菜片(slaw捲心菜),或兩者一半一半。再加2或3匙的燜熱或罐頭蔬菜,如青豆(gress peas)、串豆(string beans美國菜豆)或菠菜(spinach)。再加下列品項之一:小黃瓜(cucumbers)、蕃茄(tomatoes)、青洋蔥(green onions)、萵苣(lettuce)或其他綠葉蔬菜、芹菜(celery)等,但只要一種足量的調味料。
    你可以根據你的口味加上油,使用檸檬汁而不要用醋——這僅僅是為了調味的目的而已。其他食物,必須包含1種烘烤(乾)或燜熱(煮)的蔬菜,如花椰菜 (cauliflower)、甜菜(beets)、防風草(parsnips)、蕪菁(turnips)、南瓜類(squash)等。假如你仍覺得餓,你 可以吃一些些馬鈴薯,或一片烤麥麩或全麥麵包。任何種類的油脂,包括平常的奶油,是不天然的,因此不要吃。不論如何,如果你仍然想吃的話,最好是使用花生 奶油或一些堅果奶油塗在你的麵包上。在冬天當沒有新鮮蔬菜時,可使用罐頭蔬菜。早上可以分幾次喝果汁,並混合青豆、串豆或菠菜等,再加上上面所提到的冷甘 藍菜片或生的紅蘿蔔沙拉。這份菜單的重點是為“掃除”而提供預備,意思是用多量生的、烘烤、燜熱、的非澱粉質的蔬菜來對消化系統(路徑)作反復機械式的清掃、淨化作用。這或可稱作“Ehret的標準式混合沙拉”及“腸腔的掃除”之所以一直被我反復的談到,是因為在這宛如房子的身體在進行大掃除期間,體內屯積的毒素會因而開始鬆動並得到適當的排除,(這份沙拉菜單)是非常須要的。






        在夏天應是獨有(特)的水果餐——一種就好。在冬天則是甜的乾水果,如梅子、無花果、葡萄乾或棗子,上列可以和蘋果或橘子一起吃。乾水果可以和極少的堅果 一起咀嚼,然後再吃新鮮水果。假如一開始無法飽足,則等10—15分鐘後再吃一些萵苣葉或冷蔬菜;可煮食、可生吃,但只可一小份量。





本文摘譯自Arnold Ehret博士所著之「Mucusless—Diet Healing System」一書113頁至116頁——第十五課“過渡時期的飲食法” (LessonⅩⅤ  Transition Diet)。

註1:在此提醒關於“人造奶油”和“赤糖” 還是避免食用,或以天然品代替。


MucuslessDiet Healing System


    人們由錯誤飲食所吃下的食物(肉、蛋、乳製品),最後殘留下大量的毒素及脂肪層。而毒素在人體內最後會形成黏液(Mucus),而經由淋巴系統排出體外。 但現代西醫治療採壓抑的對抗方式,因而過度服用西藥的結果,就是造成本該保持通暢的淋巴系統阻塞殆盡;而人們體內無法順利自然排除的黏液(Mucus—毒 素)也就造成屯積現象,最後形成“癌細胞”的病變。而另一屯積物——脂肪層,也就是我們變胖的主因,並連帶引發各式各樣的疾病。





子、  李子……任何當季的水果皆可。


  ps: 沙拉醬可於素食超市(或於一般市場之素食攤)購得,能自行調製則更好。


1.   將已切成細條絲的混合生菜加上切成細塊的綜合水果,形成一盤生菜水果沙拉。
2.   在生菜水果沙拉上再灑上堅果類(如南瓜子、核桃、杏仁、腰果、粟子、葡萄乾、花生…)
ps: “綜合堅果罐頭”,在超市都可購得。加於生菜沙拉中,可提高熱量,但不可加太多。
3.   取適量的果菜沙拉再淋上沙拉醬,攪拌一下,即成爽口之美味佳餚。






1.   如是飲食後,大約1週後即有排毒反應,此現象依每人之體質反映而各有不同。大致說來,毒素可由皮膚排出,或經由嘔吐、拉肚子、排軟便…等排出體外。而此種現象也可能每週或每月再循環一次,不用緊張。
2.   在此排毒期間,體內的多餘脂肪層,也會連帶被清除,因此你的體重也會迅速下降。如果你是個過胖的人,那平均1個月會瘦下10公斤(如果你十分有毅力的堅持 此飲食原則);但另一方面,此飲食方法復甦了人體的自動化系統,因此當體重降到和身高成你的正常比例時,你的體重就會自動的穩定下來,那時表示你可以換下 階段的菜單了。
3.   二個月後,如果你尚未穩定下你的體重(有可能你是個太胖的人,或你並沒有保握到此飲食法之要領),那麼請細心的反省檢驗你的方法和過程後,再持續下一個月。
4.   如果能持續6個月是較理想的,因為可以對腸腔消化系統作反復的清掃,也可使排毒作用持續。


1.  我們要正確的攝取“四低一高”的食物(低鹽、低糖、低油脂、低蛋白、高纖維)。其中,低蛋白高熱量的食物是要特別用心研究和找尋的,如:蔓越莓(果 乾)即是。蛋白質是癌症的禍首,以往營養學家認為高蛋白對人體的迅速成長有益,因而界定肉、蛋、乳製品為人類的主食,但二次大戰後,營養學家由現實及再研 究中,赫然發現此論點最後導致毒素的累積,且高蛋白正是癌細胞產生的主因。另外,高蛋白質會趕走入体內的鈣質,而導致骨質疏鬆症,因此,如果我們不改變對 肉、蛋、乳製品的飲食(高蛋白的來源)習慣,縱然補充再多的鈣質,也是枉然。所以在戰後,這些營養學家的新發現,大大的推翻了舊時的荒謬論點。因而早在1992年美國農業部即公佈美國人民的健康飲食標準,大約是60%五穀雜糧,20%蔬菜,20%水果。肉、蛋、乳製品完全不食,以挽救由於錯誤研究所帶來的惡果。(此標準公佈後第三天,即遭到美國畜牧業者的抗議,在與利益團體的妥協下,才將其產品也加入,但只建議少量食用。)
2.  關於鈣質的攝取,可由海藻類如:鹿尾菜(鈣質含量1400)、裙帶菜(1300)、黑海苔(1170)、昆布(800)、紅藻(567)、海苔(400)、洋菜(400);或由種子類如:芝麻(1160)、杏仁(282)、榛果(209);或由葉菜類如:芫荽(200)、蘿蔔根(190)、芥菜(183)…等來取得。(海鮮魚類含鈣量較高的牡蠣也只是94、文蛤是80、鮭魚是79;而乳類中的乳酪含鈣量是250850,羊奶和酸酪乳則是120、牛奶則僅有118;蛋類更是只有60的含鈣量——由以上數據可知,健康素食者怎麼會鈣質不足呢?)
3.  關於鐵質的攝取,可由海藻類如:鹿尾菜(鐵質含量29)、海苔(23)、昆布(15)、裙帶菜(13)、黑海苔(12);或由種子類如:南瓜子(11.2)、芝麻(10.5)、葵瓜子(7.1);或由葉菜類如:芫荽(6.2)、甜菜根(3.3)、波菜(3.1)…等來取得。(海鮮魚類含鐵量較高的生蠔也只是5.5、沙丁魚2.9、鮑魚2.4、鮪魚1.1;而肉類中含鐵量最高的小牛肝也僅是8.7、雞肝7.9、蛋黃6.3——由以上數據可知,健康素食者怎麼會造成貧血呢?)
4.  關於高纖維質的攝取,草莓的纖維含量是15.2、龍眼包心菜是13.5、燕麥片13.5、南瓜12、煮熟紅蘿蔔9.6、糙米8.1、甜菜6.8、萵苣6.3、大黃瓜5.7…,而牛肉、豬肉、雞肉、魚、乳酪、牛奶、蛋之纖維質是0。我們以攝取高纖維質為標準原則。
5.  關於蛋白質的攝取,我們要以攝取低蛋白為準。全穀類之蛋白質含量是7.414.5;種子類1129.7;肉類13.625.3;魚和貝類10.624.8;蛋類12.913.9;乳酪類13.627.5;豆類之蛋白質含量極高,素食者要小心食用——黃豆34、蠶豆26、蜿豆23、紅豆22、菜豆21、利馬豆21、納豆17。因此,我們以穀類為攝取低蛋白之標準原則。
6.  關於膽固醇的含量,全蛋是550、牛腎375、牛肝300、奶油250、牡蠣200、乳酪120、豬油95、牛排、羊肉、豬肉是70、雞肉60、冰淇淋45,而穀類、蔬菜類、核果類、種子、水果、豆類之膽固醇含量則是0。我們以攝取低膽固醇為標準原則。
7.  關於油脂的含量,蔬菜類是113;魚類4963;肉類4783;豆類中的豆腐含油脂量是49、黃豆37、黃豆芽28,素食者對這三種豆之食用不可過量或太頻繁,豆類的人工製品亦要極少量的取用(最好是完全不食用)。我們以攝取低油脂為標準原則。
8.   此時可食用全麥麵包或五穀麵包,或五穀飯(不吃白飯)。
9.   可用烤箱烤些青菜吃。如:烤白筍、烤草菇…。
10.    也可燙些青菜吃。青菜撈上來後,再加些鹽巴調味,也可“淋”上少許油,拌一拌即可食用。
11.  關於食用油的正確使用是十分重要的,人體須要的脂肪酸稱為必須脂肪酸,是為Omega3號和Omega6號。食用的亞麻油是Omega3號含量最高的,而紅花子油則是Omega6號含量最高的。因此,我們可選用純白芝麻油或黑芝麻油,以及紅花子油來食用,但這些油又稱為“冷壓油”,它們在攝氏超過80時,所有的養份就會被破壞(油就壞了,這些油怕光、怕氧、怕熱),所以不要拿它去“炒” 菜。這些油在一般的有機飲食店皆可購得。
12.    不喝各種飲料,除非是純水、純果汁。
    請您一定要在下定決心後才去嘗試。你也可以慢慢地改變,如:先改變早、晚餐,而午餐照舊,一段時間後才徹底執行,權變方法如何,你可自行斟酌。但絕對不要 在執行此飲食法一段時間後,因為受不了慾望的誘惑,而突然亂吃或大吃特吃,這對於你的身體是有極大的傷害的。在我排毒一段時間後(約45天左右),在我體 內有一種“自行修補”的奇妙體驗,以前,我因運動過度所造成的損傷部位,在這時會突然痛上一兩天,然後隔天就又好了,其他曾受傷的部位也依次都有此種現 象,真是十分奇特,因此我稱它為“自行修補”。而我的精神也變得出奇的好,腦筋十分清楚,睡眠時間也變得極短,而體力又不覺得有所匱乏,而靈魂的能量也比 以前更容易提昇到靈魂的座位。這時,我才深深地感受到在《舊約聖經》中,創世紀第一章第29、30節記載著,上帝對人說——“看哪!我將遍地上一切結種子 的菜蔬和一切樹上所結有核的果子全賜給你們作食物。至於地上的走獸和空中的飛鳥,並各樣爬在地上有生命的物,我將青草賜給牠們作食物。”在上帝所創的伊甸 園中,是沒有疾病、沒有死亡的,那麼如果我們恢復上帝起初所允許人們的食物的話,是不是也意味著我們將遠離疾病和死亡呢?這對您來說可能是一十分有趣的議 題,但在我於2000年7月15日開始實踐Ehret博士所研究標舉的飲食法中,對於古印度詩《羅摩衍那》說:“最大的幸運莫過於人身的獲得”、《吠陀 經》說:“人身是一上帝的殿堂”、錫克教的聖典《阿迪‧格蘭特》說:“人身是極其稀有的”、《聖經》也記載著耶穌對人說:“你們的名字是神,因為上帝的王 國就在您裡面”……。去理解這些聖人的話語,似乎不再是那麼抽象而迷離的,而我也更深的感受到——“人在諸造物之中真的是十分完美的”。

  葉繁榮 敬上2000/11/6

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


When at work, some people are working hard but things are always moving at a snail speed. In contrast, some people are high efficient. I was once told that the key to efficiency is concentration. My parents as well as my teachers endlessly told me to concentrate on what I am dealing with, never did I really concentrate myself on just one thing. When my knowledge grows and my understanding of the world becomes mature, I gradually become aware of the fact that distractions is the real enemy behind concentration. I was just told to be concentrated but have never been told to avoid distractions. One can never concentrate on one thing with distractions! I have made some efforts to get rid of distraction, most of which are from "outside world", for example, simplifying my computer and iPad, etc.

When our memos are filled up with to-dos; Pressure clouds every single place of our "inside world", those efforts I just mentioned will no longer be helpful enough, because these distractions are from inner world. Pressure is typically an inside distraction. With pressure, one can easily fail to manage things because of his or her inner vulnerability. Even with a strong mind, one can still be destroyed by pressure because pressure is unlimited and self-inflated. When we lose the ability to concentrate, we will lose efficiency,  and even confidence. Finally, becoming an ordinary person.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

An Insight Into the Industry

Investment Banking (Lehman Brothers 2008) really gives me lots of insights of the industry. Here is something that I find interesting.
The players in the industry can be sorted into 4 main groups: analysts, associates, vice presidents, directors/managing directors (DM). I will quote each of them a "brief" introduction from the book.

Analysts  are  the  grunts  of  the  corporate  finance  world.  They  often  toil
endlessly with little thanks, little pay (when figured on an hourly basis), and
barely enough free time to sleep four hours a night. Typically hired directly
out of top undergraduate universities, this crop of bright, highly motivated
does  the  financial  modeling  and  basic  entry-level  duties  associated
with any corporate finance deal.
every  night  until  a.m.  and  not  having  much  of  social  life
proves to be unbearable for many an analyst. 
Furthermore, when not at the
office, analysts can be found feverishly typing on their blackberries. 
  after   two   years,   many   analysts   leave   the   industry.
Unfortunately, many bankers recognize the transient nature of analysts, and
them  hard  to  get  the  most  out  of  them  they  can.  The  unfortunate
analyst that screws up or talks back too much may never get quality work,
spending his days bored until 11 p.m. waiting for work to come, stressing
more  than  the  busy  analyst.  These  are  the  analysts  that  do  not  get
called to work on live transactions, and do menial work or just put together
pitchbooks all of the time. 
The very best analysts often get identified early
by top performing MDs and VPs, thus finding themselves staffed on many
live transactions.


Much like analysts, associates hit the grindstone hard. Working 80- to 100
hour weeks, usually fresh out of top-tier MBA programs, associates stress
pitchbooks  and  models  all  night,  become  experts  with  financial
modeling on Excel, and sometimes shake their heads wondering what the
is.  Unlike  analysts,  however,  associates  more  quickly  become
with  clients  and,  most  importantly,  are  not  at  the  bottom  of  the
pole.  Associates  quickly  learn  to  play  quarterback  and  hand-off
modeling  work  and  research  projects  to  analysts.  However,
treatment from vice presidents and managing directors doesn’t necessarily
for  associates  versus  analysts,  as  bankers  sometimes  care  more
about the work getting done, and not about the guy or gal working away all
night to complete it.
Usually hailing directly from top business schools (sometimes law schools
or other grad schools), associates often possess only a summer’s worth of
in  corporate  finance,  so  they  must  start  almost  from  the
beginning. Associates who worked as analysts before grad school have a
more  experience  under  their  belts.  The  overall  level  of  business
awareness and knowledge a bright MBA has, however, makes a tremendous
and  associates  quickly  earn  the  luxury  of  more  complicated
work, client contact, and bigger bonuses.

Vice presidents:

Upon attaining the position of vice president (at most firms, after four or
five years as associates), those in corporate finance enter the realm of real
bankers. The lifestyle becomes more manageable once the associate moves
up to VP. 
On the plus side, weekends sometimes free up, all-nighters drop
and  the  general  level  of  responsibility  increases—VPs  are  the  ones
telling associates and analysts to stay late on Friday nights. In the office,
manage  the  financial  modeling/pitchbook  production  process  in  the
office. On the negative side, the wear and tear of traveling that accompanies
banker  responsibilities  can  be  difficult. As  VP,  one  begins  to
handle client relationships, and thus spends much more time on the road
than analysts or associates. As a VP, you can look forward to being on the
at  least  two  to  four  days  per  week,  usually  visiting  current  and
potential clients. Don’t forget about closing dinners (to celebrate completed
deals), industry conferences (to drum up potential business and build a solid
network within their industry), and, of course, roadshows. VPs are perfect
candidates to baby-sit company management on roadshows.

Directors/managing directors (MDs)

Directors and managing directors (MDs) are the major players in corporate
finance. Typically, MDs set their own hours, deal with clients at the highest
level, and disappear whenever a drafting session takes place, leaving this
grueling work to others. (We will examine these drafting sessions in depth
MDs  mostly  develop  and  cultivate  relationships  with  various
companies in order to generate corporate finance business for the firm. 
point  in  banker’s  career,  the  job  completes  the  transition  from
managing a process to managing a relationship. MDs typically focus on one
industry, develop relationships among management teams of companies in
industry,  and  visit  these  companies  pitching  ideas  on  regular  basis.
These visits are aptly called sales calls.

Investment Banking (Lehman Brothers 2008)

I was pretty impressive with the weekly work hour of the analysts, because it will be an unavoidable path to the top of the pyramid. When I imagine the pressure that I will take in the near future if I decide to step into this industry, I actually feel a release on my shoulders of the pressure that I currently have. I keep reminding me of the fact that this is just the beginning and I need to find a way to
live with pressure.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Reflection on Speech Competition

This is actually a great experience of delivering speech in English, even though I screwed it up. At this point, I can have the chance to calm myself down to think of my English more critically. I come up with two ideas. First, my English is not as good as I previously thought. I was in a realm of my own ego. Second, speech is different from writing which means they are mutually independent. 

I thought I have achieved great improvements during the past 5 months, which could enable me to compete with people who have been here for more than one year. It is true that I make some progress, but it is not that much. It is true that I am better than some people who have been here for more than one year, but there are still a lot of people that are better than me. I should realize that mastering a language is not like having an insight. It is a long process, where it gradually grows mature with both confidence and skills. 

English writing and speech is mutually independent, though they are not completely unrelated. English writing requires a much more organized way of arranging ideas, while giving speech focuses more on visual factors such as gestures and eye contact. One can be a talented speaker but not necessarily a good writer, vice versa.

Gaining these two ideas help me figure out my problems in my English study. It is like re-anchoring my English speaking and writing ability. When I know how good I am, then I can learn things that I really need to know first before I learn anything more advanced.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Living with Pressure

Times are tough. Each day when I wake up in the morning, my shoulders are pressured and my stomach is aching, I know these are the signs of my anxiety and nervousness. I easily get exhausted during afternoon and I can't even fix this by sleeping. I know every single pressure comes from myself, but I also know the difficulty that I am facing now is caused by my intensive character. I know I won't let go. I know these days are not the end, but they are the start. I choose this kind of life because I am ambitious, willful, and demanding. Then I have to deal with it. I have to find a way to live with pressure. But how can an intensive person get easy with an uneasy life?

I have learned something from the nature of human, and I kinda get some impressions from it. That is if I really want something, then I have to give it up first. This sounds like a paradox, but it works in many cases. I would forget everything when I want to focus on something, and at this point, my true nature will appear instead of noises around me. This process is like giving up. When my true nature comes up, I will become truly concentrated on the things I am dealing with. When I am concentrated on something, I will take full advantage of my intelligence power. Things can solved, if I am intelligent enough. And even things can't be solved, I won't be bothered by my anxiety during the process, because I have already given it up.

Friday, February 10, 2012

I Will Bend the Reality

Today is the worst day that I have here in a foreign country. I was almost beat up by the reality. But I stand up again.

Here is the letter that I wrote to the Dean. And it is the first step that I took to distort the reality.

Dear Dean,

First I want to say I really appreciate that you can spare some time to read an email from a student like me. You know in our country, China, university is like a government where bureaucracy flourished. One can never get in touch with those officiers because we don't even have their email address. You know, I sent an email to our president Gorden Gee to ask him the question about how can international student play a more influential role on this diverse campus. And he replied to me. President Gorden Gee answered my question. It was amazing. But this won't happen in China. Because like I said, there is bureaucracy.

 Certainly I am writing this email to you is not trying to throw a lot of praises on this college. Neither a lot of critiques. I am a junior transfer student and this is my second quarter here. I am interested in finance and really enjoy the business atmosphere here. There are recruiters from 500 fortunes coming to Fisher everyday, and everyday you see chances and all you need is to be prepared. We have an excellent stage, everyone can show their talents if they have. I am a confident person, I have plans in my mind and I always know what I need to do next. I thought I would be one of them, but I am not. I am not in major even though I am a junior now. My GPA is 3.9, I try to involve myself into student organization, I am applying for Fisher Future program, I took part in a Speech competition. Everything looks so good but none of them makes sense to me. I am not in major so I don't have Fisher Connect; I can't go to Career Fair even though I have nice shirt and pants; I can't apply for Fisher Future program even though I prepared everything else---except for getting into the major. Everything is prepared for getting into the major except for English 110. This single class. Standing in front of me like a mountain. You may say I should write a good diagnostic essay, and get moved up to English 110 next quarter. I would say this is something that I can’t guarantee. The diagnostic essay can’t be perfectly judged because they are written in class. People can easily get moved up if they just performed well in that single essay and people can also easily fail simply because they misunderstand the prompt. You may say this is exam and they are the fairest way to select candidates. But Fisher is not just looking for the people with only perfect ability to understand the prompt. It should have people with all talents. As long as it does good to fisher and create a more free but competitive environment and anything else to make it a better college. I see there is brain drain in Fisher College. I knew some genius international students who are in the same situation as me. They are ambitious and they are looking for a position in Wall Street. But many of them either transfer to mathematics department or to another university. They do so because they have to, and they are tough enough to find another way. I may be not tough enough to transfer to somewhere else because I like it here. But I want to make a plea to you that you can change the rule back to what it was. I think the old rule is more reasonable. It gives us international students more opportunities. It gives more time for  genius  to  deal  with their language problem without influencing their academic process and internship opportunities. It can let us breathe more freely. 
Please consider this.

Matt Yu,
A pre -Fisher College Junior

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Being a Business Students

After an intensive talk with my father, I was in deep thought. The talk is about how to be a business students. When I finally figured it out what it takes to be business student, I confess that I was wrong. It is like I have upgraded my mind that being a business students is not just a straight As transcript, but experiences. Everything is primarily based on a good-looking transcript, but the most convincing part are experiences. Many students choose business in college because they think studying business is easier than engineering, and it is promising. It is totally wrong. The truth is one has to take the price to finish a promising major, because business is not just study, it requires more. I thought study is our initial task in college time, but this only applies to engineering, it doesn't apply to business majors. Business major wants you to step out of the class, to talk to people, to make friends, to find opportunities. This is business, and this is what we really need to learn, however they don't exist in textbooks. We learn it by actions, by involvement. This is the truth of business major, and so many times, it is neglected by students. Business major can be easy, if one just cares about his or her GPA but nothing else, but it can be grueling, when one notices this problem and start to put it into practice. And I will treat it as my courses, I will get an A for it.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Why We Should be Confident with Our “Blank Resume”

Studying business is not merely the simple word "study". It requires a lot more than that--social networking and how to influence people. A college student with a GPA of 3.9 is not necessarily a good students; at least for business students.
Indeed, numbers evaluated by standard test can only reflect the intelligence quality of a person, however, the domain of life and the destiny of a person is determined by emotional intelligence. There is no paper-based test to evaluate emotional skills. Therefore, the only best interpretation of a qualified business student is a simple but convincing resume. On the resume, there are three main parts of it: education background, work experience and leadership. But the paradox of it is you can't have a handsome resume before you have some handsome internships or leadership experiences. And this is cruel for many applicators. But when we turn it around to think of this in another way----we are not expected to have a really good resume to get the chance. We accumulate our experiences based on passed ones, and the cover letter itself is just a timeline of it. I think job interviewers will not only focus on the shining job titles on the resume, they will also try to figure out how much potential do the applicators have. And this is the reason why we should have no fear. As long as the resume shows that we are potential, then we are in good chance of success.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Culture Gap

The culture gap between western and oriental world is deep. Not only the language is based on completely different system, but also the values of world varies from each other. I was so naive that I thought I can integrate into this society when I can master their language. Indeed, language is only part of the process of integration; I have to learn their customs, the way people mingle, the totally different topics (from ours) people have every day, and even the way they bullshit. Take bullshit as an example, we bullshit too in our culture, and it is necessary during social activities. But to which degree can a bullshit be appropriate? It varies too between two cultures. I can almost catch each words spit out from native speakers, but this doesn't make much sense, because I don't know how to get involved into the conversations. I have to find a way to break the ice.