Tuesday, February 18, 2014

As Life Continues

It is hard to believe I haven't written any blogs since last year September. And as it is always true, the moment I stop writing things, the moment I stop moving forward. Blogging here is like keeping a diary, it records my current status quo. It is also a mirror, sometimes we need to look into the mirror to see who we have become.

Another benefit of keeping a blog is that you write it down, then it is done. What I am now is not what I was one second ago. What I put down on the paper is no longer my thoughts. I can laugh away my older immature posts--because I have moved forward. It is actually good to know that my older posts are immature or naive, as it is a proof that I grow little more mature.

For the last four months, I have been busy with my last year in college. Not like any typical senior, I am taking two degrees, that means double course work. As mathematics courses move into a new chapter, I find myself very much trapped into it. I spend tons of time, but I don't really enjoy it much. Part of the reason is that it is hard, harder than any other finance courses. But when I looked back, I guess the reason I choose to double major pure math is because it is hard. So I am not breaking this commitment, I will take it as a practice--sometimes you have to do something you don't like to do.

I really want to start to work. In front of me is a whole new world, a world to be discovered. It is very exciting to know my new start date is moved a week earlier. Even just a week.

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