Tuesday, September 3, 2013

On Privilege and Hard Work

A job offer can be a very significant thing in a person's life. It is not only a contract between us and our employer, but also a contract of the life we are very possibly to live in the next couple of years. It means financial stability, it means new goals, it means the first step into the real world. 

As everything has its two sides, so does a job offer. On the other side of the coin, a job offer can be a stopper for the hard work that we have kept for years; it can be a ticket to the comfortable and worry-free college life that we have always been dreamt of; it can be a reason for not taking any further steps or risks in this familiar yet unknown world. 
In order to prevent myself from falling in this trap, I write the following behavior standards down as an alarm for myself.

1. Never pay attention to the job offer again, as if I had never received it
2. Study as hard as before, but with a focus on preparing for the real world work environment (this does not have to contradict with 1 since preparing for the real world itself is always necessary)
3. Utilize the summer internship experience to find more potential opportunities
4. Be humble all the time but be confident about what I have achieved and learned during the summer
5. Be a beginner and open to any knowledge, don't be restricted within the job functionality

We are on this long long journey of life, thus any significant events will look insignificant if we look them back 70 years later. I believe there is no single event can alter a person's destiny, which can only be made up by his or her personality. So the perfect state of mind is always thinking him or herself as a beginner. The best travelers always pack himself with little or no bags, because they are always ready to start a new journey. 

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