Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Organic Life

Life is so bumpy? Each day is so painful? Heart is so big but arms are so weak? Being driven by the inertia of life and hard to take a turn? Each day I am thinking, thinking about how I can be a better man tomorrow, but never even spend a minute appreciating the things that I have done today. I used to think that I achieve as many as I want because ambition is limitless, but I did not realize that if I take too much out of my life, I am also taking away happiness. Life is just like an area made up of soil, if you do not make effort to irrigate it, it will only be covered by wild weed, but if you take too much out of it, it becomes arid. Therefore, I am thinking about how to live a life in an “organic” way. Not by indulgence, not by strict discipline, not by asceticism. It is rather a life of vigor and vitality, where the water of joy is flowing.

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