Tuesday, February 25, 2014

My Movie List

Movie is a new format of learning. Sometimes, a 2-hour movie could "change" your life--or at least inspire you in some way. I hereby list the movies that inspired me the most:

Godfather trilogy (1972-1990)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
Dead Poets Society (1989)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Forest Gump (1994)

Which movies inspire you the most?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

As Life Continues

It is hard to believe I haven't written any blogs since last year September. And as it is always true, the moment I stop writing things, the moment I stop moving forward. Blogging here is like keeping a diary, it records my current status quo. It is also a mirror, sometimes we need to look into the mirror to see who we have become.

Another benefit of keeping a blog is that you write it down, then it is done. What I am now is not what I was one second ago. What I put down on the paper is no longer my thoughts. I can laugh away my older immature posts--because I have moved forward. It is actually good to know that my older posts are immature or naive, as it is a proof that I grow little more mature.

For the last four months, I have been busy with my last year in college. Not like any typical senior, I am taking two degrees, that means double course work. As mathematics courses move into a new chapter, I find myself very much trapped into it. I spend tons of time, but I don't really enjoy it much. Part of the reason is that it is hard, harder than any other finance courses. But when I looked back, I guess the reason I choose to double major pure math is because it is hard. So I am not breaking this commitment, I will take it as a practice--sometimes you have to do something you don't like to do.

I really want to start to work. In front of me is a whole new world, a world to be discovered. It is very exciting to know my new start date is moved a week earlier. Even just a week.