Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Places Where I can Practice My Knowledge

Last blog helps me straight up things. Now I am much more balanced and can calm down to think about how to strengthen my specialization knowledge. I always have the ideas that I can close the gap between classrooms and real world problems. For later reference, I write them down here.

1. Case studies in the class. We often have very challenging case studies in our business classes assigned by instructors. The sad thing is that after several all-nighters to barely finish the business memo (usually 7 pages long), we ended up leave it there for grading and never come back again. I think the best part of the case study lies not in the process of working it out, but after being provided the keys. I think I should at least spend half of the time that I spent on doing the case on the graded case. 

2. In our coporate finance class, we covered a lot of real business topics such as payout policy, coporate governance, etc. However, the time is so limited and I don’t have enough time to process them. I don’t have a chance to examine every theory and formula we learned in classroom to the real business world. In fact, there are a lot of ways I can extend my study. I read news everyday, from technology industry to banking industry. I can just select one of the events that is going on in the real business world and apply my knowledge gained from the classroom to the problem. Then I can even start a discussion with our dear professor. This will be fun. 

3. I may start to consider the CFA exam. Since it is hard to demonstrate my specialization skills based on my past experience, then this exam may give me a lift. The thing is once I registered, I need to commite myself to it with at least 50 percent of my free time. That means I may give up something. Time is so valuable to me at this stage of my life, every minute now will make difference in the future. 

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