Monday, April 15, 2013

Rethink on the nature of this blog

I found a very interesting argument by my friend Zilong. As he searches for the nature of his blog, he says the nature of his blog is to write down his thoughts and just be. What comes out of it does not matter. He continues arguing that “the thoughts are no longer mine once they are out there. By the time I finish typing a sentence, I have already evolved. “

These arguments help me rethink the nature of my blog. I have been shying from writing down many of my thoughts which I presume to be too naïve. Gradually, I lost the happiness of continuing writing blogs. In fact, what I have to be shy from? Not only few people know this place, but also this is the place where my maturing is witnessed. So let this place be full of naïve and immature thoughts, because by the time I look back on these words, I should be glad to see how I was formed and shaped.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Job Day

It is a whole year gift that I receive an offer with JPM. After celebration with friends and parents, I come to these three realizations below.

1. Finding an internship may not be as hard as I thought before. Neither are other things. As a young man, we just began our journey to the real world. Opportunities are plenty. So the things that matter are that we need to have confidence. Confidence keeps my eyes open and thus willing to give a shot to things that someone else assume impossible. In fact, the biggest cost is not failure, but opportunity cost. If I decided to take an easier intern instead of a tough one, then I would sacrifice this great opportunity, the cost of which is big!

2. Academics and real business world could be every different. Think of what factors evaluate academic success and what factors measure career success. Examinations, grades, GPA are really standardized measurements of academic success, but there is no measurement of initiative, passion, in person skills, etc. On the other hand, career success is measured by non-standardized factors. Either competent jerks or lovable fools can have their achievements in the office.

3. Money is a matter that doesn't matter. I was shocked at first that I am paid so handsomely. But soon I realized money could be good thing if I don’t pay attention to it but can be a very bad thing if I always want to know how to spend it. Right now I spend an average $650(tuition not included) every month to fulfill my basic needs. I live happily and healthily, so any extra amount of money spent on fulfilling basic needs would be unnecessary. So, say hi to money and then walk away from it (making investments is another topic).

These are my realizations within the past 24 hours after receiving the offer. I will keep posting my new thoughts and hope everyone can leave your comments on these thoughts.