Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thanks to my limits, I am able to be a better man.

When I am taking showers, waiting for buses, I like to think, to reflect myself. What makes me a better man than the old one in China? Why I feel that I'm more self-controlled? What motivate me to learn new things but not wasting time on facebook like before? So I make comparisons between the old and new conditions, surroundings, and I give you the answer--limits.

I don't mean the limits in my mind, but the limits to my material surroundings. When I was in China, I could get things so easily, without any effort that necessarily need to be taken. I was in my paradise--made by my father and mother. This made me to become like a spoiled children. I liked showing off my new iPhone, my expensive camera, and even my girlfriend. I was in a realm of illusion made of pride and superiority. I didn't stay humble. I didn't eager to learn. I didn't do any reflection.

However, living in America gives me a chance the experience limits. I began to notice that when a person is limited, no matter materially or physically, he or she will cherish what he owns right now and makes best use of it. It is like Hellen Keller wrote "Three Days to See", Beethoven composed "No.9 Symphony". I am too, more limited than before--I can't talk like a native, I can't buy whatever I want, I can't make a foriegn friend unless I make effort to do so. People here know nothing about me, and I need to show them who I am. This is a new world to me, and I am an explorer by myself.

Thanks to my limits, I am a new man. I write this blog to reflect myself when I have a fever, so thanks again to my limits--illness. I say this from the bottom of my heart.

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